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Kamis, 14 Januari 2010


I forgot my password of my 1st blog. So I make another blog. Hello, my name is Sasha. I just want to share with all of you about my life, my passion, my..... Etc. I just wonder how the hate and love can be live together? I hate, when the people said that hate and love will come in the relationship. Because, i never felt like that. It should be, if we love someone, we shouldn't hate them. Why? I just dunno when you ask "why" HAHAHA

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Ok, so basicly hate and love doesn't get along?? Maybe it does to someone sash.. hahaha. ngga tau juga sih gw.. tapi how about, when someone hate someone and become into a simple crush then fall in love? hahaha...

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